
Education, Energy, Homes, Health, Public Sector , Traffic and Transport Systems
Digitized Education and E-Learning options.
Smart Meter for Electricity/Gas/Water to prevent wastage and leakage.
Sensors in home to support security and control different things.
Smart Hospitals to digitized areas through sensors and cloud infrastructure.
Online portals for public sector department to maintain transparency and remove corruption.
Smart traffic management systems using sensors and cameras.
Enable Public transport systems to become fully digital to help citizens.

Reference information from different places
Pull reference data from on-premise systems or cloud.
Process and transform reference data in Azure.

Process batch and real-time data in Azure
Endpoint to receive events from different sensors in Azure.
Process streaming data using scalable real-time analytics engine.
Process batch data to track status of different parts of city.
Process raw events data in Data Lake and aggregated data in Databases.

Modelling and Reporting
Applying aggregations and model data in Azure.
Building Analytical models for Reporting.
Aggregate and Historical reporting using Power BI.
Real-Time Reporting using Power BI.