
News and Events

IoT Hackathon Day: We had a Hackathon Day in Oct 2019 for IoT Solutions to showcase different IoT Solutions

Our top concern is ensuring the health and safety of our employees. We have started doing Work from Home for all our projects. We distributed personal protective gear, such as masks for our employees, and implemented disinfectant spraying and temperature checks across our operations worldwide. We have paid extra bonus to our employees to face this crisis. We doubled the regular hourly base pay for every overtime hour worked and are offering extra time off with full pay for those diagnosed with COVID-19.


We have started daily sync-up calls for each project to manage the situation. We have minimized the usage of Azure consumption in Customer's Azure Subscription for any Dev/Test Work. We have established several meetings with different customers to understand the disruption they are facing. Our account management teams are working with different customer stakeholders to support them during this situation.